TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

SC1: Sample Preparation Technologies for Pathogen Detection

Instructor: Dave Alburty, CEO, InnovaPrep LLC

This course will discuss sample preparation technologies for detection, identification and analysis of biomedical, biological and chemical agents, biothreats in point-of-care, laboratory and field settings. It will review the novel and rapid technologies for sample preparation,application of analytical strategies and automation in biodetection. Biosurveillance sampling and sample preparation strategies and technologies will be presented in light of the overall goals of the sampling program.

Additional areas to be covered will include:

  • Reasons for choosing different strategies and techniques, and methods for improving detection of low-abundance analytes will be discussed.
  • A hands-on section will enable participants to gain experience in sample preparation and identification.
  • Finally, case studies will illustrate implementation of these concepts.

Alburty_DaveMr. Alburty has over twenty years’ experience in the Aerosol Research Industry. Beginning at Midwest Research Institute (MRI) in Kansas City, his work as a staff research scientist centered on aerosol studies in environmental and biodefense applications. After serving fifteen years at MRI, Dave founded an aerosol science and engineering R&D test and evaluation/product development lab in Drexel Missouri. AlburtyLab offers third party validation to developers of many large-scale Homeland Security and Department of Defense projects as well as various commercial products. Through his work in the biodefense industry, Dave recognized a missing technology between bio-collection and rapid biodetection/identification. That link is the advancement of sample preparation and biological concentration technologies. Through internal research and development projects at AlburtyLab, The InnovaPrep System was developed to fulfill that need. InnovaPrep LLC was subsequently launched in June 2009 as a manufacturer and integrator of biological sampling and concentration systems and solutions.

* Separate registration required for short courses