Sample Prep Technologies11th International
Sample Prep Technologies
Sample Preparation for Virus, Toxin & Pathogen Detection & Identification
June 27-28, 2017

Sample Prep Technologies is an internationally recognized event for experts in sample preparation for detection and identification of viruses, toxins and pathogens. In its 11th year, this conference is designed to address the major issues and current state of the art in the technologies related to the important phases of real-world sample preparation. Innovative sample prep and target enrichment can significantly increase the sensitivity and repeatability of the testing. Novel robust sampling and bioforensic techniques will be presented in applications for biodefense, field & point-of-care biomedical & clinical applications, food & water testing, and environmental & agricultural sampling.

Final Agenda

Tuesday, June 27

(Shared Afternoon Plenary Session with Biodetection Technologies: Point-of-Care Track)

12:15 pm Conference Registration

Advances in Fieldable Technologies and Assays

1:40 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Harshini Mukundan, Ph.D., Team Leader, Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory

1:45 OPENING KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Rethinking Our Approach to Fieldable Infectious Disease Diagnostics

Charles_YoungCharles Young, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Applied Biology Group, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab

Current approaches to fieldable infectious disease diagnostics are based simply on reducing the size and logistical burden of standard methods currently used in hospital laboratories. Many of the challenges faced in fielding systems to austere environments have not been addressed and some of the issues may simply prove too difficult to overcome. Perhaps it is time to reassess our current efforts and work to introduce new, novel approaches that may be more amenable for disease diagnosis under field-forward, austere conditions.

2:15 A Smart Phone Platform for Detection of Zika Virus RNA in Low Resource Settings

Robert Meagher, Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Sandia National Laboratory

Heightened concerns regarding the recent Zika outbreak have led to renewed calls for inexpensive, portable, and versatile diagnostic platforms. We present here a series of advances in portable nucleic acid amplification testing by interfacing our QUASR RT-LAMP assay detection with a consumer class smart phone that both controls simple assay hardware, and performs assay analysis and scoring. The resulting system breaks conventional barriers of differential diagnostics by directly detecting multiple viral targets from crude human samples, including Zika, chikungunya, and dengue viruses, and providing proof of concept for a new generation of fast, affordable, and portable diagnostic tools.

2:45 Microbiome Composition as a Universal Biosensor

Yuriy Fofanov, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Director of Genomics and Bioinformatics Lab, University of Texas at Galvaston

Since natural microbial communities react differently to large spectrum of stressors, they have potential to be used as an indicator of the unexpected (undesired) changes in the environment, such as the release of chemical/biological stressors. While tests for several dozens of chemical and biological compounds can cost hundreds of dollars and take days to perform, the latest developments in high throughput technology make the monitoring microbiome profiling a viable alternative.

3:15 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

3:45 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing

Optimizing Performance of Traditional Point-of-Care Detection

4:15 Quantitative Analysis of Bacterial Growth and Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing in an Integrated Microfluidic Platform

Tania Konry, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Northeastern University

We have developed a simple and robust microfluidic droplet-based bioassay that offers single-cell resolution for efficient monitoring of proliferation as well as morphological changes in single bacterial cells. Importantly, our developed approach allows AST under 30 minutes directly from urine samples without extensive pre-processing steps. thus this approach could be a key component of fast, cost-effective, clinical AST systems for point-of-care diagnostics.

4:45 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: National Cancer Institute Resources to Improve Sample Prep

Helen_MooreHelen M. Moore, Ph.D., Chief, Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch, Cancer Diagnosis Program, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute

The National Cancer Institute sponsors biospecimen science research and develops best practices for biospecimen management, in an effort to improve the reproducibility of biospecimen-based research. This presentation will highlight several public resources available from NCI to aid researchers in various aspects of sample preparation and analysis.

5:15 End of Day and Workshop Registration

5:30 Workshop 1: Rapid Sample Preparation for Pathogen Detection*

Instructor: Dave Alburty, CEO, InnovaPrep LLC

*Separate registration required for workshop

Wednesday, June 28

8:00 am Morning Coffee

Best Practices in Biospecimen Management

8:25 Chairperson’s Remarks

Michael J. Heller, Professor, Departments of Bioengineering and Nanoengineering, University of California San Diego

8:30 OPENING KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Colistin Resistant Bacteria: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Kurt_SchaecherKurt Schaecher, Ph.D., Deputy Director, Division of Medicine, USAMRIID, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

Using CDC/National Health Surveillance Network (NHSN), manufacturer recommendations, and Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute (CLSI) guidance, we characterized Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae isolates as colistin susceptible or non-susceptible. Also, we have discovered 14 other colistin resistant isolates, but not MCR-1 positive. In conclusion, surveillance for this type of resistance is significant to the overall healthcare mission and unit readiness as it directs our healthcare providers to the most effective treatments, guides industry and medical research efforts to novel valuable therapeutics, and results in enhanced standards of care.

9:00 The Application of Point-of-Care Laboratory Testing for Pathogen Detection and Patient Management in Biodefense Settings

Kent Lewandrowski, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Laboratories, Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital

Elizabeth Lewandrowski, Ph.D., Assistant in Chemistry, Co-Director, Clinical Laboratory Research Core, Massachusetts General Hospital

Point-of-Care testing (POCT) includes technologies for pathogen detection in biodefense settings. POCT also includes a number of tests that are essential for the management of potentially infected patients. These technologies can be employed in different clinical settings including remote (or resource limited settings), in hospital patient isolation areas and in biodefense laboratories where highly infectious agents must be contained to protect laboratory workers. This presentation will describe the various applications of POCT across the spectrum of biodefense settings.

 Target Enrichment and Clinical Test Validation

9:30 Seamless Sample to Answer Device for Rapid Isolation and Detection of Biomarkers

Michael J. Heller, Professor, Departments of Bioengineering and Nanoengineering, University of California, San Diego

AC electrokinetic (ACE) microarray chip devices now allow sample to answer isolation and detection of cell-free (cf) DNA and exosomes (associated RNA and protein) biomarkers, as well as virus directly from blood, plasma and serum samples. Efforts are also being made to use fluorescent cf-DNA levels for cancer therapy monitoring. Newly developed on-chip immunofluorescent analysis allows rapid detection of important exosome-specific biomarkers including Glypican-1, Integrin aVb3, CD-63 and Histone/cf-DNA nucleosomes. Overall the technology demonstrates the performance characteristics necessary for enabling rapid companion and liquid biopsy diagnostics.

10:00 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing

10:45 PhaseGate: Nucleic Acid Extraction without Fluid Transfer

David Kelso, Ph.D., Clinical Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University

Nucleic acids (NAs) are most commonly extracted by adsorption onto silica surfaces, driven by chaotropic agents, which must then be removed, along with other contaminants, lest they interfere with PCR. PhaseGate, transports silica-coated particles magnetically between chambers that contain pre-dispensed aqueous solutions. Channels connecting the chambers, through which the magnetic particles pass, contain an immiscible liquid or gas phase, which creates an interface that prevents solutions from carrying over with the magnetic particles.

11:15 Empowering Rapid Diagnostics with Sample Preparation Methodologies

Alexis Sauer-BudgeAlexis Sauer-Budge, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Head of Biomedical Fraunhofer CMI – Center for Manufacturing Innovation Adjunct Research, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Boston University

Traditionally, bacterial pathogens have been identified using culture-based methods that can take several days to obtain results. This can lead to physicians making treatment decisions based on an incomplete diagnosis. To decrease diagnosis time, we are developing novel devices and methods for isolating, concentrating, and detecting dilute viable pathogens and coupling these with novel downstream detection modalities.

11:45 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

12:15 pm Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own

1:40 Chairperson’s Remarks

Alexis Sauer-Budge, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Head of Biomedical Fraunhofer CMI – Center for Manufacturing Innovation Adjunct Research, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Boston University

System Advancements from Sample to Diagnosis

1:45 A Low-Cost, Automated, Universal Sample Preparation System

Michael Connolly, President/CEO, Integrated Nano-Technologies, LLC

INT has developed an efficient, universal sample preparation system with high yields of clean nucleic acids for PCR or sequencing analysis. The system has been tested against a variety of traditionally difficult clinical and environmental samples. The system concentrates nucleic acids and does rely on dilution of the sample, resulting in high yields of nucleic acids.

2:15 Rapid, Evidence-Based Pathogen ID and AST Directly from Patients’ Urine and Whole Blood in as Short as Two Hours

Vincent Gau, Ph.D., President, Genefluidics, Inc.

The vast majority of antibiotic prescriptions are made by physicians outside the hospital setting without the use of a sophisticated diagnostic device. A compact and rapid pathogen identification (ID) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) can address both the unnecessary use and overuse of antibiotics, and therefore effectively reduce antibiotic microbial resistance. We have demonstrated a molecular diagnostic platform that is capable of rapid diagnosis of common bacterial infections in as short as 30 minutes and their antibiotic resistance profile in as short as 90 minutes at hospital settings.

2:45 Presentation to be Announced

3:15 Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing

4:00 PANEL DISCUSSION: Increasing the Efficiency of Collection and Concentration of Biological Particles from Air, Surfaces, and Liquids

Moderator: Dave Alburty, CEO, InnovaPrep LLC

Innovation in sample prep can significantly increase the sensitivity and repeatability of clinical tests. Improving the efficiency of collection and concentration of samples is critical in optimizing the analysis of the sample. This panel will examine the latest innovations in efficient sample collection and concentration. Our panel of experts will explore the improvements for biomedical and clinical applications.

5:00 End of Sample Prep Technologies Track